yoga teacher, sacred spaceholder, creative being

offering tools + practices to support your healing journey

As i Am.

my birth name Alexandra means “defender of mankind.” Rivka is my Hebrew name, meaning “to bind, to unionize.” my namesake reminds me of the purpose i chose to embody in this lifetime; to protect the sanctity of one’s journey by connecting them to their own remembrance of the Eternal. the divine semantics of my given names run parallel to the true meaning of yoga — union. by practicing the 8 limbs of the path of raja yoga, the aspirant experiences a merging of their self (identity, body, human experience) with their Self (pure consciousness).

while the yogic lifestyle is one i have returned to, the tools i use are not limited to these traditions. my work and my own life’s journey has been profoundly supported by psychology/therapy, somatic practices, trauma work + nervous system regulation, plant medicine ceremonies, and creative expression through poetry, literature, dance, and photography.

i believe in the alchemy of transmuting pain into not just pleasure, but also into the medicine that can serve others. that’s why i’m here. i found myself doing this work when i heard the inner call to share everything i’ve learned with the collective who seeks the same freedom.

if someone is feeling pulled to work with me, i trust that Presence. the beautiful and inclusive science of yoga offers something for everyone. a strong thread of my other offerings focuses on :: womb healing + reproductive dis-ease, sexual trauma, empowering the feminine, grief, elemental connection with Nature, and philosophy.


Ommm ॐ


Aligned Flow Method 200hr
teachers: Richelle Morgan & Dee Ortalan 2020

Sivananda Hatha Yoga 300hr
teachers: Lila Lolling, Prem Sadasivananda & Liz Dunne 2022

Pranayama Teacher Training 20hr
teachers: Lila Lolling, Prem Sadasivananda & Ishwari Mary Ann Johnson 2023

Trauma-Informed Training Weekend
teachers: United We Om organization : Jenny + Matt 2023

Advanced Asana 50hr
teachers: Marely Corniel, Kris Horvath & Rose Erin Vaughn - in progress

Certifications & Credentials

my yoga journey

it was 2008 and i was 15 years old when i took my first yoga class with my older sister — but that’s not where it started. memories of being 5 or 6, laying on the hardwood floor with my legs extended behind my head, toes meeting the ground in halasana (plow) whilst my mother cooked breakfast and spice world was playing on the tv in the background are strong. it is said that children who naturally practice asanas on their own are not merely experimenting, but are remembering lifetimes of practice.

throughout my college years i would periodically drop into a free class offered by my university — never knowing what was going on, constantly looking at the bodies moving into effortless shapes around me — and yet, i felt the solace after the final savasana despite being a novice to the sequences

as a global backpacker and solo traveler, i turned to yoga studios around the world to find a bit of grounding when hopping from place to place. the depth of awareness was not yet there, but the benefits were too clear to ignore. whenever i felt scattered, lost, or lonely — it was a yoga class that reminded me who I was.

my practice became consistent but it wasn’t until 2017 that i felt like i was really experiencing yoga. at the end of every class, tears would stream down my cheeks. without thought, no presence of anxiety, the body would just do its thing. release. release. release.

during that time in my life i was moving through a lot of trauma. i was arriving to the pain i had experienced, relating it to other periods in my childhood or late teens where i had fallen victim to similar violence. i remember feeling overwhelmed by all the repair that laid ahead of me. with yoga, i found that i didn’t have to do much talking or analyzing of my emotions; i just had to breathe, and move. giving myself this space to feel, transcend, and expel felt liberating. i was free.

i suddenly became obsessed with somatic practices and the understanding that emotions are stored in the body, not just processed through the mind. while talk therapy supported me for many years and i am forever grateful for its presence along my journey (and still use it from time to time!) i know that without discovering the power of a disciplined yoga practice, i wouldn’t be where i am today.

this is a very condensed version of the tale to being committed to the path. it is my way of meeting you, dear reader, with an open heart, letting you know that i’ve been where you are and yes, it gets better.

“I’m not the monk on the mountain. I’m in the trenches with you”

— Seerut K Chawla


it is my vow to live by the moral codes of the yogic path. i promise to honor the traditional roots of the lineage while also supporting seekers in a way that is relatable to modern life experience.

my approach is rooted in Love.
my approach is rooted in Honesty.
my approach is rooted in Service.
my approach is rooted in Moderation.
my approach is rooted in Non-Attachment.

all are welcome to practice with me. all gender expressions, skin tones, physical ability levels, ages, and experience levels.

classes, workshops, ceremonies, circles, retreats, trainings, mentorships, and anything else i agree to guide or co-lead will always be held in spaces that celebrate and honor the LGBTQ community, BIPOC, disabled people, or anyone who has ever felt “othered” by a system

love notes + testimonials from previous clients

  • "I truly felt a shift in my life since [the retreat] in Costa Rica. I've been so much happier, feeling like I know my worth, waking up early, getting to bed earlier, and feelin' myself! I've been protecting my energy, standing up for myself, and all around just feeling GOOD. [that experience helped me] better myself and commit to my life. Thank you Alexandra

    Elyse M.

  • "I have dabbled in yoga since my 20's.. I am 42 and have NEVER met a teacher who was able to really help me connect to my breath and the movement and explained why it was so important. I have learned so much [from Alexandra] in such a short time during a vulnerable stage in my life.

    Alison S

  • "Last night's full moon circle was truly a blessing + exactly what I needed. I always feel surrounded by amazing light when I am around Alexandra, and she always makes my inner light shine brighter + remind me of the power I have within. All of her questions in ceremony really made me dig deep within and shed layers of things I needed to release. I'm really grateful for the universe bringing Alexandra into my life. She is a wonderful yoga teacher and beyond that. She is a healer and more."

    Gabi L.

  • "I love every second of Alexandra's classes. She is so inspiring and has a gift to heal others. Thank you for being you, Alex."

    Jill P.